Ingredients for the compound butter:
1. a stick of butter
2. parsley
3. lemon
4. garlic
compound butter is basically butter mixed with whatever the hell you want. The kind I made is good on bread, steaks, etc., and you can also make compound butter with cajun seasoning, anything you want really!! Pick your favorite herb or spice and go from there. Rosemary + thyme is good in butter, but then again I have a weird obesssion with the two.
Make sure your stick of butter is at room temp.
Dump some kosher salt on there.
This elephant garlic is seriously huge. Mince some up (or used the pre packaged stuff, whatever pops your toast)
Mix it up. If you have parsley, that would be great in this too, but unfortunately I realized mine had gone rotten. :(
Using a cheese grater to zest my lemon. If you have a lemon zester, fuck you. I'm jealous.
Put it on plastic wrap, or wax paper if you have it!
form it into whatever shape you want. I was going for rectangle. -_____-
Then put it in the fridge for later!
You will need:
1. two steaks. I used ribeyes, which are pretty fatty and not my favorite. Pick what you want, the thicker the better.
2. Kosher salt and black pepper
3. Oil--I highly recommend GRAPESEED OIL. It has a high smoke point.
Smoke point is when the oil starts to burn. The higher the smoke point, the better, because we need a lot of heat to cook the steak quickly, and we dont want the oil to burn and smoke.
4. a NON STICK PAN. If you only have non stick, fine, but stainless steel or cast iron is better, and it needs to be oven safe. If you only have non stick, this probably wont work. but you can try.
Let your steaks get to room temperature, and then use paper towels to dry them well.
Rub them liberally with kosher salt and black pepper.
Put your pan into the oven (nothing in the pan) at 500 degrees. Get it good and hot--this will allow you to get a good sear on the steaks.
After its hot, put it on the burner on high heat and add some grapeseed oil, or whatever oil you are using.
Toss the steaks in there and sear them for a minute or two on each side. They will stick at first, but then they will release after the searing happens!
Put them in the oven for about 7 minutes after you sear them. This next picture is after I took mine out of the oven, because my shitty apartment kitchen has a shitty fan and the smoke alarms went off and I was too busy to get a picture of them in the oven. (if you have cats, dont let the smoke alarm go off!)
Put them on a plate....
And put a pad of that compound butter on the steaks! LET THEM SIT FOR AT LEAST 10 MNS BEFORE YOU SERVE THEM! This allows the juices to re-settle into the meat and ensures they will be tender.
Now....perfect mashed potatoes! Boil some water and put your peeled and cut potatoes in it. you want to cut the potatoes into quarters so they will boil faster. Add lots of salt to that water too! Boil them until they are fork tender, i.e., you can easily pierce them with a fork.
Drain the water and then put them back in the pot on the burner on medium heat. You want to mash them over heat, because this will allow the steam to escape. Letting the steam escape is what keeps them from tasting like shit. You gotta let that steam escape!
Mix em up after the steam is gone.
Add some milk....
And sour cream. You can also do cream cheese, but cream cheese freaks me out so I don't use it on anything ever. I also put in some of that compound butter we made earlier :D
Serve it with asparagus next to that fabulous steak you just created. oh yes.
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