Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Grandma Florence's pretzels

My grandma Florence used to make these every christmas, and now my mom and I both make them regularly. They take a while in the oven, but if you can wait the 80 mns, it is so worth it. I think Matt and I ate like 4 ziploc bags of them one night over christmas. Oops.


1. 1 pound bag of pretzels
2. one cup of oil (I used canola, the original recipe calls for vegetable oil)
3. 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper
4. 1 tsp of garlic powder
5. one package of ranch seasoning

Pour one cup of oil into a mixing bowl. 

and a packet of ranch seasoning....

1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper...

1 tsp of garlic powder....

and whisk!

blend it well. 

Pour it over your pretzels...

And mix it up. 

Spread them over two cookie sheets. 

Bake at 200 for 80 minutes, mixing them up/turning them every 20. 
Its worth it. I promise. 

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